Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Trebbo, Castel Maggiore, Bologna.

Coordinator Dr. Edmondo Dragona

If you’re looking for a physical therapist in Trebbo, Castel Maggiore, Fisioairam is the right Airam physical therapy and rehabilitation center department to rely on, the place you’ve been looking for with many rehabilitation pathways.
Our team of physical therapists is ready to deal with all kinds of sports and posttraumatic injuries and is able to actively intervene in the processes of physical and motor functional recovery from neurolesions.


State-of-the-art machinery


Orthopedic, physiatrist and physical therapists

What the physiotherapy department at Airam Medical Center is all about.

In synergy with our Orthopedic and Physiatric Specialists, the team of rehabilitation physical therapists is always ready to address issues related to:

Sports and posttraumatic trauma:
orthopedic rehabilitation involves a range of treatments aimed at pain reduction, treatment of surgical and/or posttraumatic sequelae, and functional joint, tendon, and muscle recovery through an individually designed rehabilitation plan for each patient. Rehabilitation follows the patient step by step by directing and working as hard as possible for healing and resolution of symptoms.
Functional physical and motor recovery from neurolesions:
neurological rehabilitation concerns patients who have suffered brain damage (aneurysms, strokes) or who are suffering from degenerative diseases (Sla, multiple sclerosis, neurological syndromes). The rehabilitation course is quite complex and long and is designed specifically on the patient to improve his or her autonomy, control pain, and resolve secondary impairments such as difficulties in balance and walking.

Do you need to receive physical therapy and rehabilitation treatments?

Instrumental and manual therapies at our physical therapy center.

In our physical therapy center, state-of-the-art and high-tech electromedical machines and equipment are used, making a difference. Already effective with just a few applications, such instrumentations, in combination with manual therapies, amplify their pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects, allowing a very highly effective approach.

Instrumental therapies

Numerous are the requests from our patients regarding Tecar Therapy, a therapeutic treatment peculiar to physiotherapy that allows faster recovery of trauma to the musculoskeletal system.

Featured in Fisioairam is the brand new TRC-300. Unique and exclusive tool for an extraordinarily effective therapeutic method. Latest generation for Capacitive and Resistive transfer. Excellent performance of transdermal delivery of drugs with high anti-inflammatory power.
Tecar therapy is indicated for problems affecting the spine such as cervicalgia, back pain, and low back pain, where it works on reducing the inflammatory state and painful sensation. At the sports level, tecar therapy is widely used to treat muscle strains, muscle tears, tendinitis and bursitis.

Method of treating myo-articular pain based on the application of an elastic adhesive bandage with therapeutic and bio-mechanical goals; this technique can be used in many areas of physiotherapy and rehabilitation as a support to maintain the results obtained.

The most powerful in its class with 1064 wavelength operation and software-guided targeting, capable of reaching deep inflamed areas. Ideal for coxitis, paravertebral inflammation, teno-synovitis and deep capsulitis.

The first ultrasound equipped with the interactive transmission device that allows the operator to know, keep constant and under control the energy transmitted on each of the tissues affected by the beam.
Treatment that relies on the use of modulated pressure waves for proper outflow of upper and lower limb stasis, including posttraumatic stasis. It is a powerful adjunct to anti-fat therapies such as mesotherapy and cavitation.

The Manual Therapies




Massage therapy


Postural reeducation


Functional massage




Proprioceptive gymnastics


Manual lymphatic drainage


Comprehensive postural examination


Spinal manipulations


Deep manipulations


Fascial stretching

Book your appointment with our rehabilitation professionals

Airam Medical Center: Physiotherapy near you, in Trebbo, Castel Maggiore (BO).

For any needs and requirements you can rely on our rehabilitation professionals, contact us and schedule an appointment with your Airam physiatrist, physical therapist or orthopedist.

Dr. Edmondo Dragona


Dr. Frassineti


Dr. Salvatore Rauch


Dr. Matteo Ceccoli


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