Digital dental impression is a new dental technique that uses a high-precision camera to take an impression of the patient’s mouth.
This technology brings concrete benefits to the patient and the dentist: in this article we will look at the 5 most important ones.
1. Improved accuracy compared with traditional footprint
Several scientific studies published in highly specialized journals agree that between 80 and 89% of traditional impressions have at least 2 errors. In contrast, the digital dental impression is very accurate: this is because the endoral scanner collects thousands of data that are processed in real time by the computer realizing an absolute registration capacity, much more precise than the human eye.
As a result, the time to fabrication of prosthetic restorations such as a bridge or crown is reduced because the need for retouching is reduced. Thus, the fully digital workflow eliminates the problems associated with old methods and materials, such as the presence of air bubbles.
2. Comfort: no use of pastes, just a camera
One of the worst aspects of having impressions taken by the dentist is having to stay several minutes with the mouth full of unpleasant material. This time with a paste in your mouth that doesn’t make you breathe seems interminable…..! Not to mention the gagging it causes when one feels the dough sticking to the palate. Sensations these rather disgusting but unavoidable with the traditional technique.
Digital dental impression-in contrast-does not require the use of sticky, bad-tasting pastes. The dentist passes over the patient’s teeth with a nimble camera and gets a detailed image within minutes.
The fingerprinting process can be stopped at any time: this allows a patient who should not feel ready to pause and easily resume the maneuver as soon as he feels up to it.
3. Communication: a dental impression always available to you
With the digital impression, it is possible in real time to see a direct image of one’s teeth on the monitor that is enlarged and can be rotated 360 degrees.
This allows for more effective communication between patient and dentist, improving awareness of their oral health status.
Also in the context of better communication, through fingerprinting it is possible to make a “rendering” highly explanatory: it is a virtual simulation, but highly truthful, visible on the monitor, of the result final dental work before it even begins: It is already possible to see a bridge made, a crown, a set of teeth on dentures, but also the result that would be achieved with the use of orthodontic devices (templates ). Everything we should do we can see already simulated in our mouths!
4. Reduced time: only 3 minutes for a complete impression
Taking adental impression with classic pastes requires times ranging from 3 to 6 minutes per arch for them to solidify. Some materials such as silicones can take as long as 10 min. to set! The result then of the correctness of these casts is learned after a few days, and often, as they develop, it is found that they do not fit and must be retaken.
In contrast, with fingerprinting, it takes only 2-3 minutes to obtain a detailed 3D model of theentire mouth.
The fingerprint file, via the Internet, is sent to the laboratory reference that will make the artifact: this allows you to skip many steps and thus allows you to get the tooth faster. In addition, a matter of no small importance, this method offers a great freedom of choice of the dental laboratory itself as there is no longer the limitation related to distance but allowing us to choose according to other parameters such as quality of services, cost, etc.. Our reference dental laboratory is located near london…
Environmental protection is one of the greatest challenges of the contemporary world, as it directly involves its future. Industrial and civil wastes contribute significantly to environmental pollution that, with increasing drama, threatens human health and the global ecosystem.
Hence the need for greater attention to the issues of recycling, reuse, and the use of eco materials.
Digital technology does not require the use of the old impression materials (silicone) , plasters and resins used in the dental laboratory.
These materials are highly polluting to the environment so much so that they must be disposed of as special waste.
5. Continuous use: an always available digital dental impression
Basically whenever it is necessary to take an impression of the teeth. Maneuver necessary for the implementation of
- Dental prosthetics such as bridges or crowns (including on implants) but also esthetic veneers.
- Fixed, removable, and super-aesthetic orthodontic appliances such as sequential splints.
- Devices for the treatment of malocclusions (splints).
AIRAM Medical Center, a renowned dental practice in Castel Maggiore, Bologna, is waiting for you to get your first digital dental impression, book an appointment with our experts now.